Square Moon

Opening hours
Weekdays: 08.00-17.00
We help businesses and public sector organizations in every sector imaginable.
Methods and tools
Our products
Our services
Well-designed user interfaces make complex solutions easy to understand and enjoyable to use.
Our roots are in Claris FileMaker, complemented by modern web development tools and languages.
Multiple systems communicating is better than a monolith that claims to know everything. We connect!
We make use of existing features that are good and valuable data that you have collected.
Long-term security is important. We support our customers in using and maintaining the technical parts.
Together with our clients, we map the current situation and desired outcome to define what adds value.
Managed operations in cloud data centers are part of our everyday life and our customers' nightly sleep.
License sales
We help you find the right options when you need licenses for Claris FileMaker.
Education and training
Based on many years of experience, we train users and other developers in Claris FileMaker.
Want to know more about our services and how we can help you? Feel free to contact us or stop by for a visit.
Contact us for more information