DNS IT designs, deploys, installs, and maintains IT systems and equipment tailored for your company. Since 1995, DNS IT has developed extensive expertise in network infrastructure, server monitoring, and backup services.

Opening hours

Weekdays: 08.00 - 17.00

Service and support issues

040-6000 900

Support services

A flexible IT company in Malmö

Based in Malmö, DNS IT has assignments all over southern Sweden. The small company with the big knowledge, which is easy to get in touch with. You can get contractual services and hardware that is adapted to the size of your company and customers.

Our services

We are the flexible IT company with the broad expertise. We focus on the customer’s needs and deliver high service and customized IT solutions for your business.

The flexible IT company

We focus on customer needs and deliver a high level of service.

Hardware and networks

From new hardware to maintenance of existing networks.

Focus on customer needs

Tailor-made IT solutions for your business.

Contact us DNS IT

Want to know more about our services and how we can help you? Feel free to contact us or stop by for a visit.

‍Schaktugnsgatan 5
216 16 Malmö
040-6000 900

Contact us for more information