
CoreIT is an IT knowledge company specializing in services in infrastructure consulting, system development, cloud services, support / ServiceDesk, web and marketing, system and product solutions.

Opening hours

Weekdays: 08.00-17.00

Day before red day we close at 13.00

Service and support issues

0660-729 99 (07.00 - 17.00)

A full range of IT services and products

CoreIT is an IT knowledge company specializing in services in infrastructure consulting, system development, cloud services, support / ServiceDesk, web and marketing, system solutions and also product solutions. Our core business is to help customers become more efficient in their core business with the support of IT.
Contact us CoreIT

Want to know more about our services and how we can help you? Feel free to contact us or stop by for a visit.

‍Hörneborgsvägen 11
892 50 Domsjö
0660-729 00
Queen Kristina’s Esplanade 10
170 67 Solna, Sweden
08-121 599 00
Varvsgatan 10
871 45 Härnösand

Contact us for more information